Friday, December 19, 2014

12/18/14 (Retrial) Day 18- Jodi's Harlequin Book


Today was the Harlequin Book of Jodi's texts/diary with a little junior high drama thrown in for good measure.  The only thing her writings show is that she was completely obsessed with Travis. I'm talking "boiling bunny in the pot" obsessed. Even when she was saying she moved on...her diary was still full of Travis, Travis, Travis. It actually proves to me the slow build up of rage and planning of the  murder.

Thursday, December 18, 2014

12/17/14 (Retrial) Day 17- Jodi has no soul


I have no Soul!

I thought I would quote something from Jodi's diary today. I thought it was a powerful statement.
"It's not Travis at all. He was merely the distraction. The void in my soul has been there for years, maybe millennial, perhaps since I was born"

Wednesday, December 17, 2014

12/16/14 (Retrial) Day 16-Get the violin ready!



Another day of listening to an "expert" talk about poor Jodi and her false story about her childhood. I suspect Jodi is leading up to accussing her dad of some kind of sexual crime against her.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

12/15/14 (Retrial) Day 15- murdering someone causes PTSD.


"Killing Travis caused me to have PTSD. How dare he do this to me?
If he was alive, I would stab him all over again"
Sadly, the title of this blog post is not really a joke. Unless I'm mistaken, this is the theory that the defense wants the jury to believe. If I was on the jury- I would give her death just for this BS defense. The defense has their Dr "expert" on the stand. He's going to spend countless days telling us how messed up Jodi is in the head because of....Travis. It's all Travis' fault that Jodi had to kill him.

Friday, December 5, 2014

12/4/14 (no jury)- dead men do watch porn!


I'm having so much fun;
Some more court on the stupid computer. I got a strong feeling, good old Bryan has been doing some porn watching. He's just going to claim that the rolling fog came in and he doesn't remember.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

12/2/14 (Retrial) Day 14- the penis goes into the vagina. Lesson of the day


My brain is feeling foggy. I need a nap.

Court was busy today. A juror was dismissed and the sexpert knows everything...well, except when Juan is asking. I guess the Jodi fog infected all her witnesses.