Prison has done wonders for your hair. |
Jodi is in court wearing her stripes and her ugly f'ing hair.
This is just a court session over Travis' computer and the evidence that was obtained. There is not a jury present.
Maria Shaffer will be testifying first (she is Jodi's ex attorney)
![]() |
She looks like a nice, honest, defense attorney. Ha. |
Her counsel of Jodi ended in Aug 09. On June 19, 2009 Maria and her co counsel went to Mesa PD to view the evidence. She was supposed to meet with Flores and Juan at 2. Maria had her investigator with her. They waiting in the lobby of Mesa PD and taken to a room to view the evidence. Flores brought in the evidence. Maria said they looked at cell phones. She says Flores had the phones plugged in and Juan was in attendance. Maria says Juan was looking through the files of the computer (Travis' computer)
Maria says Juan said "he's never seen so many selfies. Juan was looking for porn on the computer. Maria's investigator left the room first. When Maria left, the computers were still on.
Juan starts questioning Maria. Items were requested by Maria to be put in the viewing room. Juan says the request to power up the computer was by you correct?
Maria says that's not how she remembers it
Juan says Maria and her investigator said it wasn't a good idea to start up computers but she did anyway
Maria says No
Juan says Maria and her co counsel made the selfie comment. Maria denies.
Pretty much. |
Maria is denying requesting she wanted the cell phones fired up she says Juan wanted it fired up. Juan says then why were you there looking at evidence if you didn't want anything turned on? Maria says she had a property list but wanted to see how big the files were.
Juan says so looking at the outside of an item can tell you this?
Juan- So to look at contents of a computer you have to fire it up! Yes or No- Maria Yes
Juan probably needs some type of anxiety pill about right now. |
Maria says Juan authorized Flores to turn on computers.
Juan- The state provided you the courtesy of turning on this computer...Yes or No....Maria Yes.
Juan is done
Palin- Who controls the evidence at PD
The dream team. |
Maria- The Prosecutor controls the evidence. Maria says prosecutors and defense have an ethical duty to protect evidence especially in a case like this. Maria says if she knew evidence would be destroyed she would have never let Juan turn it on. She was told a mirror image had already been done. Maria says Juan was only one who touched files.
Brian Neumeister is up next. (OMG) Remember he was the dude that was the eyeball expert.
HA. The famous eyeball photo. |
Brian's an idiot. |
Brian can bring deleted things back. Brian says never turns on a computer ever and use a write blocker first. If turned on without pulling drive first everything is compromised. Brian says the computer was turned on twice and shut down without a write blocker. June 10th, 9:27am- quite a few files were gone through and modified
Brian says the first thing the computer did was ping Southwest Airlines, downloaded updates for windows and Itunes. Looks like computer was on for 45 minutes. Brain says he is still in the process of reviewing this computer. Any key evidence that was in memory is now gone forever possibly due to this action of turning on and off without a write blocker. Palin points out this is a violation of procedures and Brian says "Oh Yes it is"
6/19/2009 2:58pm the computer was turned on again without a write blocker. 2500 files were modified, accessed or deleted. There's 1000's of fingerprints on the computer that doesn't belong to Travis. Testimony from state said no virus's during the first trial. Brian says he has pages and pages of virus's on the computer. Tons of porn links. Brian says based on testimony from the trial no virus's or porn was supposed to be on the computer, but it was loaded with both. There were 19 privacy scrubbers on the computer. The virus links to porn, but some porn was manually searched.
(It's amazing how something hasn't had porn on it in 5 years- now has porn everywhere after Brian gets ahold of it)
June 1st, 2008 porn was manually searched and Expert say's it's graphic. They read some off "great body, great sex"
Dec 2007, escort sites and movies were loaded on computer
Sure....because we all know Jodi's never took any naked pictures before. |
Brian went to view the computer and was told there was a 24 hour notice and he had to come back. Mesa PD followed that protocol. 70,000 files were scrubbed and it wasn't a program installed on the computer
Brian can't tell when this was done or who did it (uh maybe he did it)
Sites that were manually typed in are "good anal", "perfect BJ"
Spybot doesn't block someone from looking at porn
Brian- I printed at least 90 pages then stopped because what's the point? Brian says there were 6,000 hits on Teen Porn. Brian says some files were too vile to pull up. Lot's of teen porn, slut was in there a lot. (sounds like Brian had a lot of fun on somebody else's computer)
On all the cell phones (3 of them) from Mesa PD, all the sims cards were missing. external hard drive was tampered with and missing the operating system according to Brian. Brian says he's surprised this wasn't found 6 years ago in regards to porn and virus'.
Brian says the porn on the computer isn't the elephant in the room it's the aircraft carrier in the room
Juan's up
Juan is noting Brian didn't find any porn on Travis' hard drive. Brian states Dorkin may not have been provided correct info to examine.
There is no way he could have missed it says Brian.
Juan is talking about Sims card and how the expert doesn't know if the Mesa PD may have got the phones minus the Sims card
"Come on" |
Juan- So maybe the defendant was involved in some kind of shenanigans with the cell phones.
Juan asks Brian do you know how video camera was damaged?
Brian- NO. But you are making it sound suspicious.
Juan- You are making this sound like police misconduct, but you didn't review the police report. Just because you can't power up the external hard drive it doesn't mean there's misconduct by police
Juan- So the Compaq computer isn't a Dell is it?
Brian-"you are trying to skirt around the fact there's porn on the computer Juan" Any competent expert would find this.
Juan- "So you are saying Lonnie is incompetent"
Brian -"Or you were trying to keep it from evidence"
Expert- You don't understand computers Juan can I explain... Juan..NO (HAHAHA)
Juan says he will present evidence that Brian broke the hard drive
Brian says "that's just slimy Juan"
Judge calls for a break.
All attorneys head for the judge's chambers.
Juan is saying the judge is going to order him to turn over clones he examined and software he used. This hearing will conclude on 12/4. (Here comes the clone identified as "Tony." They grabbed the wrong image and sent it to Juan. They then sent a correct one. Tony is a tech)
Juan wants the clones that Brian worked with turned over. Juan has one but not another. Juan wants raw data from Brian. Brian says he's slammed and will have info handed over by Wed
Court is finished!
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