Friday, May 3, 2013

5/2/13 Day 56- Closing from Juan

Morning Session
Today is closing arguments. After 4 long months, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. One thing that is clear to me, justice moves very slow in Arizona.
Jodi is a little late getting to the court. Twitter says that everybody is back and forth in the judge's chambers.
Jodi is wearing her light blue shirt, and her hair is down.

I have to put on my best show today!

I have decided not to recap the closing arguments. There is no way I could ever put into words how powerful they can be, BUT I did take some screenshots.

Here is Tawidilly's Youtube Channel. This user great about getting all the videos posted fast. I will be linking to her videos, but if you happen to stop by her channel...please give her thanks.Tawidilly's Youtube Channel

The whole court is waiting on Jodi!
She's a superstar

She finally made it!

Here are the jury instructions

Travis' day in court. About time

Jodi's lies are about to be exposed!

Self defense? What a freaking joke. The
jury better pay attention
Who cares about this? I say throw
the skank in burning Lye.
I'm sad that my court time experience
is fixing to be over with. I've had
such fun.

I have a feeling this is not going to
go well at all.....oh well!

I'm ready for this! I've been waiting
5 years

As always, Jodi chooses to ignore

Grandma is either worried or bored!

Here's JM with Part 1 of his closing!

Jodi when JM mentions she squeals like a cat!
Jodi and Palin passing notes
The family's face when JM was talking
about Jodi looking to breed!

Here's JM with Part 2 of his closing

Jodi's face when JM talks about
Jodi's face when JM tells Jodi that Travis said
"You are the worst thing that ever happened to me"
and how true those words were
Here's JM with Part 3 of his closing

Travis family!
One of Jodi's many head shaking moments
It's so easy to see how evil this girl
JM bringing the justice!
This chick scratches more than anybody
I've ever seen
If looks could kill!

Court is finished for the day. Defense is up with closing statements tomorrow at 9 am.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for taking the time to recap. It brings a little light into this horrible murder. I have enjoyed your writing very much, funny sarcasm and the dry humor that I love. You are also very respectful toward Travis' family, and that is very important to everyone who wants justice here.

    I appreciate you!
