So far a late start. (twitter: court staff tell spectators if they laugh or show any type of emotion they will be kicked out #JodiArias stems from last week's outburst)
Attorneys are now in the judge's chambers.
Jodi has a white top on and tan pants. Twitter users say it matches with her attorneys.
Alyce is still up on the stand. JM is still up for the state.
I'm ready for the fireworks. I plan on playing dumb today. |
JM shows EX 558. Alice says she interviewed Jodi for 44 hours.
JM wants to know if she used EX 558? Yes.
JM wants to know if Alyce uses 558 to define abuse also. Alyce will not say yes or no. (Alyce wants to word play with JM)
JM asks her-Did you use in this case? Yes, but she says she didn't use it for Jodi. JM wants to know why it was even bought up then. Alyce keeps saying she used it to look as a "range" of abuse.
(SHE CAN NOT SAY YES OR NO if she used EX 558 in this case)
EX 558 |
Snow White-As soon as JM brings up SW, Alyce gets bitchy right away. The judge has to direct her to answer the question with yes or no.
Isn't it true that you did not enter the keynote speech in 2010 about SnowWhite? No, are you trying to trick me with the year, says Alyce (LOL)
EX 596- part of Alyce's CD's on her speech where on the CD Alyce says she was the keynote speaker
JM wants it admitted in and Defense objects unless the entire CD comes in.
Approach Judge
EX 596- admitted-
EX 596 |
EX 597- schedule
Palin asks for an approach
EX 597- shows that Alyce was not the keynote speaker (she doesn't want to answer yes or no) Alyce says she was considered a keynote breakout.
EX 597- admitted- Alyce said she is not lying after JM lays the paper down that shows that Alyce was NOT the keynote speaker.
EX 597 |
EX 597 |
EX 597 |
Alyce says 558 is a frame of mind (uh huh) and Alyce says JM misspeaks the words she said.
Did you use 558 in this case? I used my way of thinking. Alyce didn't write a report in this case. Alyce did not talk to anybody other than Jodi in this case.
Chaitanya Lay- Alice did not talk to her, only read what was wrote.
JM says-so you are willing to give an opinion on people such as Ms. Lay or Mr. Travis Alexander without talking to either of them? I did not speak to either of them.
What date? There was a range of dates. I need to see the documents.
Alyce can't remember the dates with the conversations between Ms. Lay and Travis.
Alyce won't even admit to dates or numbers she said in previous testimony.
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Ms. Lay and Jodi |
Ms. Lay. |
EX 598- Alyce's words from previous testimony (HAHAHA, JM was prepared for that)
Isn't it true that you said 90% is all verbal? It's all out of context.
Palin asks for an approach after JM says he moves for EX 598 to be admitted in.
My head hurts from this fuckery |
EX 598- admitted-Previous testimony from Alyce.
Finally, she admits YES
Wouldn't that mean your testimony about Ms. Lay is wrong? No
(I think Alyce just boxed herself in to dog doo-doo)
Jodi is a creepy stalker. |
So you can tell what somebody is feeling just by looking at a text message? I'm telling you I had to look at many
So you're a human lie detector? I didn't think I was saying that.
Alyce is only going by the printed word and pass judgement without talking to anybody.
Did you talk to Ms. Lay? No, once again it's context. It's about pattern.
Couldn't it be a joke and you wouldn't know it b/c you couldn't see the faces? Well, she quit talking to him after some of his talk.
You don't know if they called each other on the phone? right
Regan H.- How many items did you review? One was about 18 pages long.
May 19, 2008 isn't it true there is a time reference? Objection from Palin
Approach Judge
Approach!!! |
Regan H. |
EX 599 (OMG, stupid Alyce has to go get her glasses) Alyce said Regan was an anorexic. (Shit. I'm sure Regan is glad this is now public knowledge)
Travis was not asking for nudes was he? He was asking for bikini shots.
Travis also talked about his stalker, right? Yes
Isn't it true that Travis was extremely fearful of Jodi based on that conversation with Regan? I didn't see it. (BOOM)
You're picking and choosing to believe what you want to believe? no
Doesn't he talk about Stalking in his conversation with Regan? Yes
Doesn't he talk about Jodi listening in? Yes
Doesn't he even type in a message to Jodi b/c they think she is watching? Yes
Does Regan also type something to Jodi? He asks her to, and she does.
EX 560- (Alyce has to read the 18 pg message. She reads very slow) Alyce thinks there was flirting. Alyce believes everything wrote in the message-except that Travis has a stalker even though Travis writes that he is extremely afraid of Jodi.
My shirt is so sexy. I've decided to start showing skin. |
I don't care if the jury sees me! |
As the jury is leaving |
Jodi's a classy chick |
Lunch until 1:25
Them damn bedbugs at the jail! |
After lunch
Alyce still on the stand. JM is still up for the state.
No court on April 22 b/c a juror needs off.
I going to get my hair done! |
Denise, Nicole, and Michelle-Alyce made judgements on them without ever speaking to them. The opinion was based on writings.
Snow White- it was a catchy title. Alyce says the jury might have to see the entire speech to understand (I refuse to watch it). Alyce says it's all about gender. Alyce says she did not bring up in her speech about SW being a battered woman. JM basically has to pull teeth to get admit Alyce picked the title of SW. (I hope we move on from SW soon) Alyce didn't speak to SW either before she writes a story about her. Alyce says most of her experience comes from reading other people's work and her 35 yrs of experience. Alyce tells JM she is confused about his questions.
Alyce, take your SW story and stick it up your a**! |
Alyce says her work is being used in other places.
Your work is a subjective approach, isn't it? Probably not anymore than a police officer
So your approach is like DNA evidence? No, I'm not saying that.
Alyce now tries to explain a DNA, and JM asks her if she's an expert in DNA? NO (LOL)
OMFG, Alyce is saying she knows enough like anybody that watches CSI. (she is crashing, and her voice is sooooooo low. It's almost hard to hear her)
Alyce needs a pee break and a nap! |
Approach Judge
What you do basically do is sit and talk and read things? Correct
You don't do any testing? Right
Alyce now says "testing" is somewhat suggestive too.
Her form of testing is basically her opinion. Alyce said she did A LOT of work in this case.
Isn't it true that's its your opinion that can be verified? Uh, I have no idea. I'm not good with computers. (Now she's talking about the FBI)
Is a profiler's opinion allowed in court? IDK.
Context-EX 444- Text messages- Michelle K- Travis wants to know some information. (OH JM just says that Palin doesn't understand how objections work and that's her problem) Palin asks for an approach
Travis: Do not call me. And do not text me anything. The next text I want if this Michele K that is friends with Elena that suddenly knows everything about my life. ? thing ever. Until you have that information. Its 15 minutes it would take to get the info. But you won't take 15 minutes. Why because it is an Fing lie. So either text me you that you are ready to tell the truth or give me your imaginary friend with the worst BS story you have ever told or leave me alone. Its a lie like no other. It is freaking foolish. There is no way out of it, you have screwed up your story so bad you can't mend it. You are caught. When you will realize that. I do not know. You have till tomorrow. To have me this person information before I tell all of the hughes' leslie udy, the freemans, your parents and anyone else that matters about all the crazy things you have done. So either fess up or feel the wrath. No matter how bad the truth is I promise you the punishment will be better than the lie. This is worse than your magical email that a mysterious man you've never seen before wrote you. You insult me by thinking ill believe such crap. Nothing else from you til the truth. I already know your lying so why continue. After tomorrow, it's gonna get real bad for you. Time to spit it out.
Text-Michelle is actually suppose to Creshelle says Alyce. Travis is talking about the BS story. The woman came over to Rudy Tuesdays and told Jodi that Travis was seeing Lisa. Jodi is the one that told Alyce the story. Marie is the woman who came into Jodi's work to tell her-or so Jodi told Alyce.
![]() |
Poor Lisa. |
JM just says-that shows the problem with just reading. (Alyce is stuipified right now!!!!!!!!!!) Alyce said that Travis must have made a mistake- and JM wants to know why it couldn't have been Jodi that made a mistake. Alyce says: frankly I don't know why the name means so much to you? The judge gets on to her.
Don't you have a biased here? No I don't.
Matt and Bianca- Do you know how Jodi found out? No
Isn't it true that two girls came in and told Jodi? Objection from Palin
Approach Judge
Defense asked to see the EX. They are reading it very slow.
EX 601- It's previous testimony from Jodi. Two women told Jodi about Matt seeing Bianca.
Jodi has 4 relationships. Doesn't it raise a red flag that two of the four that a female would come tell her about a boy being unfaithful? Objection from Palin. Palin wants an approach.
Red flag question again? This is the first time I've heard of it.
Doesn't it raise a red flag? Uh, I would really want to think about that.
Couldn't the story just be a lie right? I'm not sure
She does have a history of lying right? Uh, after the killing
Didn't you conversations with Jodi happen AFTER the killing? The text were before. JM says-I'm not asking you about the text messages.
Alyce doesn't know if Jodi told her the truth about the Applebees or Ruby Tuesdays story.
You can't tell us Travis was out of line about questioning Jodi in the text? The only person that lies is Travis. Alyce said she's never seen any proof that Jodi had a history of lying.
Is this freaking lady for real? |
Jodi never lies...except when she's talking or writing in her diary....or texting |
EX 444- The lie text message from Travis.
Did you use this text to base your opinion on abuse? It wasn't the main thing. (Palin is objecting with every question)
Approach Judge
Travis doesn't believe Jodi's lie about another woman coming into Ruby Tuesdays telling Jodi about Lisa.
Palin asks for another approach (just for the record. I watched Jodi write stuff down, Palin looks at it, then objects and takes Jodi notes with her to the stand)
What is your understand about what Travis is talking about? He doesn't believe her about the information of the woman coming into to talk to Jodi.
In light of what you know, wouldn't it raise a flag to you about Jodi telling the truth? I would check the story out.
You didn't before you came in and gave your opinion? No (I think Alyce has gave up)
EX 448- The fake text to Steve Cover-up.
What is your understanding about this text? I'm not sure what you are referring to. JM is proving that in the second part, Jodi stood up to Travis and refused to provide the 2nd part to the text. (Jodi and Palin's heads are stuck together over at the table) Palin objects
Super powers-Unite!! |
EX 448Jodi says: Hey there some one has my google password because he's helping me w/some things on my google blog. Unfortunately, he happens to be an ex boyfriend?
Travis says: You and your Steve cover up make me freaking sick. You are liar to the core of who you are it seems.
Jodi says: I was just trying to move my business to a more private venue. You brought it up. The fact that I'm a single girl talking to some guy is not sick. Being completely honest about him w/you was a mistake. I spared you only a few details because everytime I begin to divulge anything like that you stop me and tell me you don't want to hear about that stuff. SO I was vague on purpose for that reason exactly. But nothing I said about him was untrue.
Travis says: Why don't you have him come and fuck you in the woods, I can only imagine you are so worried about me reading. You are paranoid because you have no respect for people privacy and you dare insult me of all people. Someone you have should through your actions you hate more than love by denying me a human right of privacy countless times. You have a lot of freaking nerve. We are not all like you in that aspect.
You it matter to you if Jodi lied and sent a fake text message? I'm not sure what you mean.
Would it matter if she was lying? Only if I saw a pattern of her lying and I haven't seen a pattern of her lying. (Palin is being annoying today)
Recess and Judge yells for approach of attorneys.
More time spent here! |
Jodi and her wonky finger! |
Late afternoon
Attorneys are in chambers
Alyce is back on the stand. JM is still up for the state.
Are you biased for Jodi? I don't believe I am.
What the hell? Everybody loves me |
Didn't you say you were sorry to Jodi the first time you seen her b/c of the items you read? Yes. I was saying I was sorry b/c I read her thoughts. Alice felt badly for invading Jodi's thoughts from reading her diary. She wanted Jodi to trust her.
Do you apologize to your clients? no. Jodi was the only person she read private thoughts.
(Alyce felt sorry for Jodi) Alyce also bought books for Jodi.
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I guess Alyce doesn't feel sorry for Travis!! Yeah, I don't get it. |
Why did you feel the need to establish a rapport with Jodi that way? I felt that was the way to go. (uh...to buy somebody stuff and say your sorry) Jail is boring and that's why she sent Jodi books, so she wouldn't be bored.
How many times have you testified at trial in a criminal case? Murder cases-2 times.
Of those, did you say you were sorry when you seen them? I didn't read their diaries. Alyce says she has also reduced her fees in some cases. (Alyce can't answer the question)
Wait for it.....something is coming. You can feel it!
JM is fixing to drop the bomb. |
(Palin keeps objecting, but she has been overruled each time) Alyce stands by her decision to tell Jodi she was sorry when she met Jodi.
The defense's face says it all! You just know something is coming!!!! |
Ma'am, You understand you are here to answer my questions, right? Yes.
Alyce had a really good feeling about Jodi.
Is there bias on your part? No, I don't believe there is. Alyce says she is very objective in this case.
Low self esteem-
Wasn't Jodi happy b/c she thought her IQ was as high as Einstien? Yes.
The exact moment when JM starts talking about Jodi's IQ |
Not only is Jodi a murderer, she also one of those annoying people that likes to correct people. |
Manifesto of Jodi's in Yreka- Jodi was signing and autographing copies of the manifesto (cliffhanger) (BOOM is the sound heard in court)
The team's face when "Manifesto" was bought up! |
Jodi was signing stuff in case she became famous. Alyce still says she has low self esteem. (Bull) Alyce took notes, but the test says she has no self esteem problems. (Now Alyce is stuttering)
EX 642- Alyce's notes. MCMI is what Alyce talks about. Jodi's social functioning was in the normal range. Also, her self image was in the normal range. (Palin yells out objection like a horny little school girl)
No matter what Alyce says, Jodi did not have low self esteem. (My words)
Nurmi asks for an approach (It's b/c the legal team is going down in flames)
Hello my latin lover |
Jury has to leave for 3 minutes.
My fans love me. They want my autograph. |
EX 603- Alyce's report- manifesto- Alyce admits she talks about it. Jodi wanted Amy to print out 2 copies and sign in case (cliffhanger)
Palin asks for an approach
Yes, they were signed.
Jury is dismissed until 9:30am tomorrow
I shouldn't have to stand for them... they should stand for me. |
Wanted to show the few pictures I got of Jodi staring down the jury. These were all taken at different times.
I want to steal their souls. |
I just know that one juror wants me. I dream about him at night. |
I bet he thinks about me |
I wonder if he's Mormon? I love Mormon boys. |
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