Wednesday, March 20, 2013

3/20/13 Day 35. Doc up! Short day due to puke!


Court starts today at 1:00.
Jodi is wearing that weird black shirt with stripes on it, and she has more bangs than normal. Maybe 17 of them.
I hope this is a good shot of my boobs!
For good measure, I'm gonna lick my lips
for all the boys!

Dr is on the stand. Palin (which is Willmott b/c to me, she looks like Sarah Palin) is up for the defense.

3 different times Jodi talked about June 4th- Dr says each time was consistent. Jodi talked about her feelings after she came clean. The weight was lifted off of her.

Dang it! How dare you question me?

Dr was an evaluator. on this job, not therapist. (Now the Dr is explaining what an evaluator is) He gets information and starts to speculate. Now he explains about therapy.

Do you blur lines between evaluator and therapy? Should never be.
Have you ever blurred the lines with Jodi? No

MCMI-MCPI-Dr has gave both at the same time before. Dr. says that both test has their advantages and disadvantages. Dr. prefers to use the MCMI test.
Would you ever use the MCMI alone? No.
$250 an hr. For this case, yes.
Dr is getting ripped off!

Can a person fake the MCMI test? well, if they studied the test beforehand. It can be done. Dr. said he could fake it. Dr. says the average person couldn't. (We are all dumb)
Jodi's test came out in the norm.

The rope- Jodi talked to the Dr. about the rope and being tied up. She told him twice it happened. Just the wrist the first time
EX 537- is the dr's notes. The rope used was twine the first time. State objects

Dr's notes

Palin asks for an approach.

Rope first time-twine. Jodi told the Dr it burned her wrist. Second time- June 4 feet and hands. Dr. is just going off his notes. She also had sex with him and took photos with Travis. Dr. seen the photos. Taking pictures- Dr. says that Jodi was asked to take photos of Travis in the shower. Jodi was uncomfortable with oral sex with Travis. She felt uncomfortable because it was "too soon" (yeah, I believe you...said NOBODY) (during all this-the state is objecting to every question)

Approach (judge)
Jodi thought the world of Travis. She went along with the oral sex Travis was giving her. (what woman goes along with oral sex on them? yeah)

Pedo-The Dr. says that wasn't important to his case, and they didn't really talk about it.
EX 530- the dr's drawing on notebook paper.

EX 530

Approach (Judge)
EX 530-acute stress-the short term memory works but the hippocampus is flooded. They can function.
Palin just asked if somebody seen a knife on a counter, could they grab it and not remember? Dr says yes. She can still remember a gun was in a closet.

Raw Data- basic data. Dr exchanges Raw Data with other dr's but usually not attorneys. Dr. only submits it to other Dr b/c it may violate HIPAA laws and the numbers get twisted around.

She's now showing him the test Part 1 and Part 2. The Raw data was NOT disclosed to either attorney. The Dr. only submitted it to the state's Dr (sorry, didn't hear her name)
PTSD test- EX 534- Handwritten Jodi's answers.
EX 534

EX 534
EX 534
EX 534

EX 540- PTSD test and score sheet-  NO where on the test does it state they are testing for PTSD. Jodi did not know the purpose of the test.  Jodi's answers
1. yes
2. yes
3. yes
4. yes at age 13 a knife was held to her throat (as told by the brother)
5. no

Approach (Judge)
JM wants to question the Dr on his legal degree. (HAHAHA)

They only gave me one lonely
notebook page today!

Approach (judge)

Dr worked with sexual predators. Palin is trying to say when Travis had sex with Jodi while she asleep-that is assault.

Back to the test # 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11-NO.
12. YES
13. Repeated abuse. She reported that it was because of Travis and his abuse (No mention of mom and dad beating her with wooden spoons)
#14. She endorsed #4 (Non sexual assault by a stranger-ninjas)

They seem disgusted by everything

Sis, this has been so much fun!

Palin asks for an approach (UGH)

Another approach

#14 Let's the person describe the event.
#15 How long ago did the event happen? Jodi said 6mths to 3 yr. (I think the only thing Palin is proving with this is that this test doesn't mean crap)
(Palin does not know how to ask this question and state is objecting everytime she talks)
It's been pretty heated!

Another approach

Jury has to leave for 5 minutes because Palin doesn't not know how to ask questions and the dr. wants to clarify something and JM objected b/c he didn't know what the dr was going to say.

They come back and Palin asks for another approach

Another Approach after Palin asks the first question.

#14 is not weighted to the number for the final score.
#15  (JM is hitting hard with the objections) #15 is talking about one event.
#16 YES #17 YES #18 Yes

A liar? WTF? I never lie! I will
eat your soul Mr. JM

Approach from the judge (I'm convinced JM is doing it b/c Palin gets flustered and she messes up)
Palin says she going to be clear. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21-YES. Jodi told the dr she was injured, somebody else was injured, and she thought she was in danger and somebody else was in danger. She felt for her life.

Question #22- She was be haunted by the images.
#23 Zero nightmares.
#24 Reliving the event-once a week.
#24 once or two times a week a week.
#25 3. Dr noticed Jodi shaking her hand when she was talking about these.
#27-3. Denial
#28-avoid places that remind you of the event-she answered 1. She was in jail
#29-1-she can't remember.
#30-2-not interested. #31-3- The highest
#32. 3 #33. 3. #34. 2 #35. 1 #36. 3 #37. 2 #38. 3 #39 3+ months.
#40 less than 6 months. #41-49-YES except #45 schoolwork (she was taking classes at the jail)

Dr. never told her what he was testing her for.
Now he's explaining what information he uses to come up with Jodi's condition, which is PTSD.
Hey my BFF! If I get out, I should come stay with you!

Palin is finished

Let's meet up in my cell and have
a girl's slumber party. Doesn't
that sound fun?

Recess until 3:45

Nevermind. Court is finished for the day because somebody puked out in the audience.

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