Friday, March 22, 2013

3/21/13 Day 36- Jury Questions!

Late start. Twitter says attorneys are in chambers.
Jodi has a Red top, white shirt and black pants. She looks nice today. Not as washed out looking. She has maybe 8 bangs, but I figured out why they look different now. Her bangs are longer, so they sort of blend together-and by the end of the day....they look like one bang.

Woo Hoo!
The dr is back on the stand to answer jury questions. Suppose to be 100+

Jury Questions: Judge reads them out for the dr to answer.

1. Are you only allowed to testify with your clients consent? Yes
2. Fight or flight, does the body choose? Depends
3. Can both happen at the same time? Yes
4. Can memories blocked return? Only if hippocampus is really flooded
5. How can we be certain you diagnose is not based on her lies? Based on my experience
6. Did you hypnotize her? NO
7. Did anyone else? No

It's easy to do

8. Fight or flight-do these memories exist? Not to me
9. If she can draw from photos, or stories, etc-couldn't she remember then? NO. They make fake memories
10. Are there other shrinks that have different opinions than you? There's never 100% agreement.
11. Acute stress-more than 6 months after you interviewed her. Please explain? I was speculating and making my own determination. PTSD is not a "get out of jail free card" (now he's talking about meteors)

Don't think that is going to happen
Yes, he really talked about meteors

12. On what dates did she take the test? Dec 2009
13. Can you be sure Jodi is not lying to you? Not with 100%
14. Would the shut down of the hippocampus be responsible for the stress? Yes, but not totally. (not sure I got this question 100% correct)

15. Do you think Jodi suppress memories or are they missing? Can't be for sure.
16. Did you try hypnotize for the suppressed memories? No. The memories were not there

17. What steps do you take to assure yourself that somebody is telling the truth about memory loss? I have to look at the evidence. Can't be 100%
18. Is it possible somebody can fool a professional? Can't be 100%, but I think I am right.
Why are they picking on me and my foggy brain?
19. Was Jodi tested more than once? No
20. Could you tell when somebody is lying-or is it just your opinion? No. You have to explore
21. She made negative statements in her diary even though you said she didn't? They were mild statements.

22. Are there other disorders that would be the same? Yes. (now he explains why he's right)
23. Is there any science to explain about a stressful event? Maybe (now he explains why he is right)
24. How do you ask your question when you are interviewing a person? Do you lead the patient? I just usually let them speak. I may ask a leading question

25. TGA(transient Global Amnesia)- a juror calls him on his percentage being off from one day to the next and he corrects the juror.
26. TGA- is the list all inclusive? Unlikely


27. Does Jodi take medication to treat PTSD? Tranquilizer and anti depression

28. Time article-How did Jodi gets so much done on the day she killed Travis she has memory loss? Now dr. is explaining about basic survival decisions.
29. Did you diagnose any conditions not mentioned? Anxiety and a personality disorder
30. Appears- Are you not 100% for sure when you use the word "Appears"? We are seldom 100% sure. 
31. Are your opinions based on what the patient tells you? Not all the way
32. Shock event-can the brain still function to make a rational decision? Not always rational. For example in this case, a camera was found in the washer (Objection from the state)

Approach Judge

33. When discussing thoughts, why did you use the word "actors"? The story changed is what the word "actors" meant.
34. Tremors or shakes-How can you tell PTSD causes, this and it's not fear for herself? Jodi told me.
35. Did you see Jodi shaking before she mentioned it? I did not notice it b/c I was behind a wall at the jail.

36. Are the actions a person commits while the hippocampus (- poor planned (did not get this whole question)
37. Are action with a person personality able to control the hippocampus? Acute stress makes you stressed and work on autopilot
38. Can these actions be an extreme opposite? Can the mind choose? The brain can't choose. (something about an elevator)
39. Adrenaline output would increase if you are killing somebody? (state objects)

Approach Judge
39. Repeat- Yes it's possible, just not probable
40. If not, why? People are different

41. PTSD and comparing Jodi to police and solider. Is that fair? PTSD is a label to list symptoms.
"Jodi Arias, you are NOT like us"

42. Selective amnesia? not valid
43. Would you still treat somebody that was not honest? No
44. Why didn't you give Jodi the test again? The score would not have changed
45. 25-30 hours is a short time to test somebody for PTSD ? No usually it's 6-10 hours.
46. Is the M test used for other test? Yes, some companies do
47. PTSD, when did you catch the errors? Nov or Dec preparing for trial
48. Do you feel they were big errors? No, not really

49. Jodi remembers the beginning of the attack and end-so she has memories of the attack, right? NO
50. Can the stress occur if somebody plans to kill versus defending? Possible but not probable
51. Do you often make mistakes in your reports? No

52. Where was Jodi when she came out of her fog? Hoover Dam
53. You have issues with omitting or forgetting information? Don't you think that is important? Yes
54. Why wasn't she retested?  It wouldn't change the score.
55. Do you consider yourself an  impartial 3 rd party? I try to be
56. Do you always develop fond relationships with your patients? I wouldn't call it fond. I just evaluate.
57. Why the gift if you stepped over the line? I don't feel it was wrong.
There are rules DOCTOR!

58. Explain the phone call between Jodi and her mom? Lots of calls. They get angry
59. Would anyone having an argument over the phone with a parent fit criteria?Jodi described it as venting towards her mother
It makes me so happy when they talk
about me.

60. In your opinion, do you think Jodi was assertive if she confronts bf and gf's? I don't think she was assertive

61. Do medications cause any of the amnesia you mentioned? Yes
62. Are you not 100% sure Jodi suffers from acute stress? That's correct
63. Anal sex. Is it important or not? It was only important for how many times.

64. When somebody changes the story, does it raise a red flag? Always, but IMO, Jodi is telling the truth. He was thinking about multiple Personalities at one time

It would have made more sense

65. Sending a self help is more for therapy? I concur. It can help
66. You said if somebody changes the story, it's more believable. Is that correct? Yes
67. If Jodi is lying now, wouldn't it make sense her story is consistent? Yes
68. Who conducted the interview with Jodi's friends? Defense
69. Scales were used during the testing? No
70. What are you suppose to do if somebody is suicidal? Inform people
71. Can you review your notes about Jodi being tied up and Travis jizzing as he cut the rope. Was this the day of the killing? There was one event on the day of the killing.
72. Why do you believe Jodi's self esteem was low when she met Travis? Jodi told me


Return at 1:25

After lunch
The Dr is still on the stand.  Still answering  jury questions.

I stayed up all night studying.

73. Low self esteem is quite normal? Not normal but it’s common
74. How did the test results go towards the PTSD? She met the list
75. If a population  lied, couldn’t it be called a loophole? Yes, if the population lied
76. Do you assume people answer truthfully? Yes
77. Couldn’t a hypothesis made early- skew the results? Yes, if you are not trained
I think this is what the dr was thinking on the stand

78.  Could that hypothesis determined how a tester reads results? We constantly change. It’s fluid.
79. DA article-  small number? It’s the Transit Global amnesia
80. Flight fight, was there ever any discussing on why Jodi did not flee the bedroom? She was trying to protect herself

81. Do you normally fill out the questionnaire? Sometimes
82. Are you worried about errors? No
83. How can the test if somebody is lying if the person stays consistent in their lies? It would be hard. The answers are not that important
84. Repeated abuse from Travis-Wasn’t she still telling the ninjas story at this time? She told me about the abuse early on.

85. Timeframe of Question 16-21 all lies? Yes
86. The answers are based on a fake story? Yes
87. Messes up Jodi’s story? Yes
88. Don’t the lies mess up the test? I wouldn’t work with them if they were lying
89. Not being able to remember the event. Considering she killed Travis, doesn’t this seem inconsistent? She doesn’t remember
90. Can a person commit a murder and still suffer a stress? It’s possible, but less probable
91.Even if intentional, would the event still consider stressful? It’s possible, not probable
92. Why would she run into the closet and corner herself if she was in fight flight mode? It had two doors
93. Flight or fight- wouldn’t someone want to get away from the danger? You would flight, then the next step would be to fight.

Travis' body
Travis' head

94. Would they want help from someone? I suppose
95. Are you able to state  Jodi had either PTSD or any other  before June 4? IDK
96. If you plan to kill and do, versus accidentally, can you suffer the stress? Lower likely hood of an accident versus if you were planning to kill someone. (WTF)
97. Is it possible Jodi didn’t write negative things about Travis b/c there was nothing to write? Not possible after reading the evidence.
98. Feeling suppressing for so long/ would it be a natural reaction when the dam breaks? Yes
99. If something is planned, is amnesia more or less likely to occur? More
100. How do you explain Jodi cleaning up the crime scene? It was planned badly
Just one of the 100's of photos of the bloody crime scene

101. Retesting for PTSD.  Why didn’t you? There is nothing that says he has to (after he says JM was harsh on him)
102. Is there anything in the book you gave Jodi that would mess up test results? No

103. How do you know Jodi tried to please Travis, when you never talked to Travis? I read all the stuff
104. How do you know she didn’t kill Travis out of jealousy? I read all the stuff
105. Acute Stress is the only thing that showed up ? Only in the section that describes PTSD
106. Jodi’s symptoms did not appear before June 4th? She did tell Dr that she may have had some of those symptoms.

Defense followup

Symptoms of Jodi-shaking and tremors. Jodi was afraid of Travis.
Jealousy and how can Dr. be sure there was no jealousy? Dr. listened to a tape recording. They talked about him going to Cancun and Jodi never expressed she was jealous or mad.

Diary-Jodi did mention they were moving on. The Dr also reviewed the text, and there was no jealousy.
The dr was thrown by JM during testimony about the PTSD and retaking the test-Dr has no concerns about the test. (Holy cow. This dude drives me crazy. I would rather listen to Creepy Gus)

Dr’s make a hypothesis but doesn’t give the test right away. He wants to refine his (speculating) hypothesis.

I promise. I am good at my job.

Approach Judge
Does your experience come into play? Absolutely. I’m awesome (he didn’t say that, but in my mind-he did)
When a person is in fight or flight, or they able to make decisions?  He brings up animals. Brains don’t function properly. Jodi wanted to put distance between her and Travis on June 4th.  Jodi’s  fucked up brain excuses everything (or at least that’s what I’m getting from this Dr.) It’s survival.

Sure Jodi. We believe you tried to put distance between Travis.
Yeah, I think you are full of BS with your story

Is it rational for a person to leave evidence at a crime scene? NO.
Lies- Have you had to kick people out because they lied? Only a few kids. (I bet this guy loves shock treatments)

I bet the dr owns this shirt

Approach Judge
He didn’t want to push Jodi when she was telling the ninja story. On her own, she changed the story.  
Dr. believes Jodi was just protecting herself from the trauma. (She must have realized death was on the table) Dr. states again- it was NOT therapy, but if it was, it would have been a breakthrough.

Jodi was a witness to a murder-that’s why there was a trauma.
I agree somewhat Dr. Jodi did witness murder.
She had hands on experience with it.

Now he’s talking about the normal group and sample group. Dr. says the people that develop these tests are very smart. The scales- looking for liars. It’s like a paper lie detector test. (So what do I believe? A paper test or my own ears?)

Low self esteem-not uncommon. He determined fast that Jodi had low self esteem. The Dr. has just admitted that when Jodi talked to ex boyfriends or girlfriends like Bianca-that was somewhat assertive.
The Dr. just called Jodi, Mrs Alexander and had to correct it. The Dr. says Jodi doesn’t love herself.

I hope they like my boobs in
this tight shirt. I have LOW self-esteem, y'all.

Jodi would be in fear when Travis wouldn’t call her for several days. He would get mad if she tried to stand up for herself and not call her. Travis would dominate and control her with withholding his love.

The book- Jodi has been just the Dr’s client and nothing else.

(A break for a few minutes. I had company.)
"Ohhhh, let's tattle"

Some of the aspects of this case were not important.  He says Jodi has PTSD. The Dr. said he made a mistake with his paperwork, but he corrected it.

The Hoover Dam is when her memory started to come back. He says Jodi was hyperventilating. The Dr says Jodi wouldn’t remember anything at the scene-maybe a flash here and there.    (This Dr. is whacked)

Now the Dr. says she suffers from amnesia. The Dr called the crime scene a frenzy, and she had the strength to drag a body.

Crime scene and the drag marks

Recess (A jury member had something wrong with their headphones)

Late afternoon

"F- you Jodi! We are wearing the ribbons
for our brother"

The Dr. is still on the stand. Palin is still up for questioning for the defense.
Comparing Jodi to some soldiers- just PTSD. They both reach the same area. (Blah, blah.) Tremors and shaking, Nurmi told him first about Jodi's shaking. THEN the Dr discussed it later (LOLLO)

Transient Global Amnesia (still don’t know why they talk about this)

Hypnosis-evaluators rarely do them. It’s mostly done in therapy. Would other Dr’s have a different diagnosis other than PTSD for Jodi? (State objects-JM must feel bad today. He’s kind of quiet and soft spoken)

I think Nurmi is bored too.

Approach Judge

Palin is rewording the previous question. The Dr. thinks the other Dr’s would agree with him.
EX 444- The text from Travis where he is telling Jodi she will feel his wrath.

EX 444

EX 445-The text where Travis tells Jodi to leave him alone and he is sick of having days ruined by her.
EX 445
Here's what EX 444 and 445 say:

Travis said: Do not call me. And do not text me anything. The next text I want is this Michelle K that is friends with Elena that nobody knows but knows details about my life. Not one other thing ever. Until you have the information. Its 15 minutes it would take to get the info. But you won’t take 15 minutes. Why because it is an f’ing lie. So either text me you that you are ready to tell the truth or give me your imaginary friend with the worst BS story you have ever told or leave me alone. It’s a lie like no other. It is freaking foolish. There is no way out of it, you have screwed up your story so bad you can’t mend it. You are caught. When you will realize that. I do not know. You have til tomorrow. To have me this persons information before I tell all (continued on EX 445) with you. Always drama.
Jodi replied: Hmm.. It doesn’t sound like it’s me that’s being dramatic dear. Call me asap.
Travis said: Do not call back. I sick of you playing stupid and dealing with childish tactics.
Travis said” It was some stupid ass way of ruining yet another of mine. Which you have done so much of. Bitter feelings are brewing in me towards you. I’m sick of having days ruined by you. If it keeps up I fear I will have a genuine dislike for you. I’m asking you before it gets to that to stop doing it before I start seeking revenge. Your account with me is overdrawn. PS you need to start paying me back you better start looking for a job.
Jodi relies: Sorry again about that. I meant to grab it before I left after I’d changed my mind but I

EX 450- The text where Travis talks about Danny Jones.
EX 450
Danny Jones
What EX 450 says:

Travis said: I sent you a response to your dire conversation, that I hope you read because you need to read it. Maybe it will spark human emotion in you. Something that only seems to exist when it comes to your own problems. But everyone else is just a part of your sick agenda. By the way. Your pic comment to Danny Jones makes you look like a pure whore, even more to the people who know you. You should be embarrassed by it. If he knew what I knew about you he’d spit in ur face. Sow ould (So would) everyone else. I have never never in my life been hurt so bad by someone. But why do I even say it because you don’t care. It doesn’t serve your evilness.
You couldn’t get off your lazy butt to to read it could you. That’s the sociopath I know so well. It freakin

Slut, whore, bitch, 3 hole wonder was names Travis called her. Travis always looked good in her diaries.
EX 540- The testing questions 16-21 about the trauma.  

EX 540

(When Jodi took these tests they were when she was telling the story about the ninja when she answered. After she told her new story about self defense, the dr never retested he b/c he said it wouldn’t have mattered)

Defense is finished

JM is up

Retesting and Raw Data- The Dr remembers saying attorneys would not understand it. Objection Defense

Nevermind, JM woke the hell up!

Approach Judge

Raw Data- EX 550-
The defense asks for another approach
EX 550- Admitted-Raw Data

EX 550
EX 535- (BOOM.) JM just proved that the Dr changed numbers. The Dr says he scored it twice.

EX 535

JM shows EX 550 that Jodi was already at the max of 17.  Dr says he misplaced his worksheet, but the new one meets the same thing. The Dr never said that he misplaced 535 to the jury when they asked. (BOOM)

EX 550

Do you have problems with your memory, sir? No more than you have
Have you ran a diagnoses on the prosecutor? No. Well then how can you say that, says JM

The book- NOW JM is pulling out the dictionary for the Dr to see the definition of compassion. It means sympathy of another. The Dr’s first meeting with Jodi lasted 3-4 hrs.

EX 551- Webster- (HAHA) JM is proving that the Dr was providing therapy with Jodi, not an evaluation.

EX 551

EX 544- Rules of his profession. Dr admits he made an error in the paperwork. The Dr. says he didn’t feel sorry for her, but he felt compassion.

EX 544
JM showing the dr the ethical guidelines

So you feel your role is more of a support group? No
Didn’t you just say you felt she was alone and isolated? Yes
Didn’t you use the word “break through” to a jury member? Yes, but that’s not what I meant.
Didn’t she change her story after reading this book? It took several months after reading this book. IDK if the book had anything to do with it.

Approach Judge

"I'm going to get my hair done after
this BS is over with"

During the 2nd meeting, did you still have the feelings? My feelings were not of concern.
If you had those feelings when you first started with her, are you now saying they changed? I was doing my job.

Last meeting was Dec 2012. First meeting was Dec 2010.  2 YEARS of interviews with Jodi.

PDS test- Jury wanted to know why you didn’t retest it? And you said it didn’t matter b/c it wouldn’t change. When was the hypothesis formed of PTSD? Several months
She could have said 20 people killed Travis, and it wouldn’t have changed the test? Yes, it would change the results then.
WHY? It would be a greater mess.
If one story is untrue, wouldn’t that make you suspect? No (JM is making these tests and Dr seem really dumb)

FINALLY....some true

JM wants to know if the Dr thinks 16-21 are valid?Yes
Isn’t it true you have compassion for Jodi? No

EX 535- Isn’t it true b/c you are biased towards Jodi? NO
Isn’t it an ethical issue for you with both EX with a disclosure? I recalculated the test.
This is not a foul with the ethical guidelines? (He didn’t answer the first time)
JM is bringing up how the Dr didn’t have the raw data when he was asking for it on the stand. Def objects
I'm not sure the Dr understands this word

Approach (Palin asks for it)

EX 534- The Dr. is disorganized with his paperwork big time. JM is now showing him EX 550. The Dr. is all confused

"It's 4:32 bitches. I'm ready to go"

Approach (Palin asks for it)

Jury is dismissed.
You're my Best Friend"

Judge told the Dr to turn over any EX’s he had.
The court is finished for the day.

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