Friday, March 22, 2013

The robbery report of Jodi's Grandparents!

This is the 2 page Incident Report on the robbery of Jodi's grandparents house.
The grandparents home
Also, there are evidence pictures included

Jodi's bedroom


  1. wow whaaaaaat a coicidence

  2. What a disgusting home!!!

  3. So the 25 cal that she stole had 7 hollow point bullets in it according to her grandfather but the bullet casing found at the scene of the murder was a round tip casing. So was the grandfather mistaken or did psycho Jodi change the bullets? I see plenty of open bullet boxes in one of the photos. It's incredible that she robbed her own grandparents who obviously don't have much and broke their door? She loves no one. Also, the remote she went back to five Darryl Brewer was the remote that goes with the stolen VCR. I bet she traded it for the gas cans.
