Jodi is wearing a black and white lacy shirt underneath. She has that ugly side ponytail with lots of bangs. (She is probably going to cry today-that's why she wears her hair in that side thingy b/c she plans to cry)
I like to look pasty looking |
Alice is up first. Defense is asking the questions.
They are talking about Alice's work experiences. (she's pretty funny to me) She works with a lot of different companies and such. She has experience in her profession. Palin just brings up Alice being called a "Man hater" and the state objects
Hey Everybody! |
Approach Judge
Palin asks for another approach and the judge says "NOPE"
Alice faced a lot of haters. Alice says she has turned down cases before. State objects
I'm so happy to be here. |
Approach Judge
This is off to a good start! |
Alice turned down a case yesterday. She turns down cases when there is not enough evidence. Alice has testified before, about 18 times. She's also testified for a man, but she was not called. Alice was retained in the case Sept 2011. Alice is paid $250 an hour and $300 for court in this case for Jodi.
Our poor brother. Is this even about him anymore?? |
Palin and Alice are now talking about an article that Alice wrote. (I have no idea what she is talking about now-somebody else's book or article. IDK) She's talking about family violence and aggression.
I just know they are going to bring up my wooden spoon |
EX 558- Her article. Alice says she doesn't need the article to explain to the jury. Palin wants it moved in. State objects
EX 558 |
Approach Judge
EX 558-admitted in- It's a continuum. It shows different acts of aggression. (I guess this is to show why Jodi hit her mom, kicked her, and kicked the dog)
EX 558 |
They are going over everything on this article (UGH) Calling people names is bad. Especially the cussing like bitch, whore, etc....
Alice is telling a story of a man's family that walked on eggshells even though the man never hit anyone.
Alice is explaining all the stages of abuse and what happens. (Alice does talk a lot, but she is not annoying so far. She talks very well and clear. She explains very well, so far)
I can't wait.... |
Sexual abuse can happen. A person feels like they have to submit to a sexual act. They do it to keep the relationship intact. Alice said she is seeing more cases of GPS stalking, text, tweets, emails, etc....A jealous person- They can give you the silent treatment, or asks you a lot of questions, texting, etc..
Destruction of property happens in abuse. Some man destroyed his wife's $20,000 dollar crystal collection. One woman cut all her husband's expensive suits up (The movie "Waiting to Exhale" LOL) A person changes when they are being abused.
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Random Crazy Bitch |
Alice is now talking about stalking. Now Alice is telling another story (These stories are not boring-IMO) Uh oh, Alice just bought up mind control. Threats of suicide can terrorize a family, and it controls a family.
I am NOT a stalker |
Alice says victims of abuse are worried about reputations. They feel like they have no choice.
The jury likes me |
Balance of power-That means you value each other and work together. When there is a shift, the abuser has gained the power or has more power. There are abuser that never lay a hand on the victim. (Alice tells another story about an abused woman-the grandfather ended up killing the man)
Alice said that most victims of sexual assault usually don't like to talk about the sexual abuse. Alice is now talking about growing up in a violent family.
Lunch Be back@ 1:25
After lunch
Back from Lunch |
Alice is on the stand. Palin is still up for the defense.
I'm back. These sandwiches at the jail are tasty! |
Have you ever used EX 558 in court before? Yes, in family court
This EX was published in a child publication. It was peer reviewed. Alice is also a peer reviewer.
Alice said she uses the word "family" but it doesn't mean it's their family. It's can be people that are close to them.
Alice is now explaining the walk through of DV in relationships. (She is using an example-but I think she is using Jodi's story) (Alice is a good storyteller)
Alice is explaining how victims stay after being abused. There were also women that had money that would still stay with the abuser. Some people have religious beliefs and they stay together. "Keeping the Faith" is a good book about DV and the religious community. Alice just said that people tend to detach when they go through trauma. Alice said most women have no proof of abuse.
Jodi's face during abusive talk |
Travis' family during abusive talk |
Travis' brother during the abusive talk |
Travis' family during abusive talk |
JM and Flores during abusive talk. I really think Flores was paying attention to Alice. With Flores being a cop-I'm sure he has seen many abuse cases. |
Over time, these women cross their own bottom lines. They do stuff they wouldn't do. Everytime they cross their line, their fear goes up. Low self esteem. Now Alice is talking about trips and photos and how it bonds people.
Jodi and her wonky finger |
Victim blame- Why victims are flaky. Alice said that people tend to blame the victim for the crimes. Alice tells stories, but they kind of mirror Jodi's story. Alice says in DV the punishment doesn't fit the crime. Alice says abusers may have positions of power, but they can have low self esteem. The abused blame themself. Victims think they are not worthy.
Now she's talking about Stockholm Symdrome. (I'm confused or something at this point) People that are abusive are also very kind. (At this point, I even wonder if she's going to talk about Jodi at all)
(At least this lady doesn't have to pull out papers. She knows the names, the books, the quotes, and the authors she is quoting-IMO, she's a sharp as a tack with her information-for now. This lady is prepared 100% better than the dr.)
Jodi's attention is elsewhere. |
The Honeymoon phase happen sometimes. You fight, then make up. The abuser is sweet. It depends. There is no magic number on how long a relationship is going for the abuse to happen.
Alice is now talking about men and women abusing each other-and movies that are out. Women tend to get scared easier.
Are men and women viewed different when they are angry? Yes. Women get called bitches if they are angry. Men tend to get praised if they are angry. Women tend to be less direct with their anger. Now Alice is talking about Dr. OZ. and a article he came out with. Dr. Oz did some brain scans.
State objects
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I'm so glad my name was bought up on the Jodi Arias' show |
Approach judge
Women have empthay. Women tend to dismiss their own feelings. Palin is trying to bring in Dr. oz's brain scan test again.
Dr. Oz's article (which was not shown in court)
Link to Dr Oz's article
In the largest brain imaging study ever done, we compared the scans of 46,000 male and female brains using a study called SPECT, which looks at blood flow and activity patterns. Out of 80 areas tested, females were significantly more active in 70, which just explained my whole life – I have 5 sisters, 3 daughters and 14 nieces. These differences help us understand some of the unique strengths and vulnerabilities of the female brain and give us important clues on how to optimize it. Because of the increased activity, females often exhibit greater strengths in the areas of: empathy; intuition, or knowing something that is true without knowing exactly why; collaboration, which is why women often make better bosses; self-control, which is the reason why females go to jail dramatically less often than males; andappropriate worry. In a large study, it was found that the “don’t worry be happy people,” more typically men on motorcycles, died earlier from accidents or preventable illnesses. (So, if you’re the type who goes for the bad boys, make sure to buy lots of life insurance on them.) But this increased activity also makes females more vulnerable to: Anxiety; depression, which they suffer from twice as much as men; insomnia; eating disorders; pain; and being unable to turn off your thoughts. In this article, I’ll show you 5 steps to unleash the power of the female brain. Kofi Annan, the former UN Secretary General, once said, “There is no strategy more beneficial to society, than the ones in which women play a central role.” Women admit problems and reach out for help faster. If a couple is having trouble, nearly 8 out of 10 times it’s the woman who calls one of our 6 Amen Clinics across the US for help; or if a child is struggling in school or with his emotions, nearly 9 out of 10 times it is the mother who brings him in, even though both parents work full time. I think that the female’s ability to admit problems and get help is one of the main reasons why women typically live 7 years longer than men. We found that females have stronger activity in an area of the brain called the prefrontal cortex, which is involved with planning, judgment, empathy and self-control. I think of the prefrontal cortex as the brain’s brake. It helps keep you on track and stops you from saying or doing stupid things. When the prefrontal cortex is low in activity, you can struggle with short attention span, distractibility and problems with impulse control. When it works too hard, as it often does in women, it’s like the parking brake is always on and you can get stuck on certain thoughts or behaviors, such as worrying or holding grudges. An area deep in the prefrontal cortex called the anterior cingulate gyrus is also more active in females. It is involved with error detection which is why you can sometimes focus too much on what is wrong: with your body, your children, or even your own good husbands – not that I’ve ever noticed my wife doing that. A study from Canada showed that women produce 52% less serotonin than men. This is very important as serotonin helps calm and relax the prefrontal cortex. When serotonin levels are too low, people often struggle with anxiety, depression, pain syndromes and trouble sleeping because you can’t let go of the negative thoughts, obsessive worry and carbohydrate cravings.
Researchers have also found that females also have more activity in the part of the brain responsible for gut feelings and intuition. They also have more activity in the limbic or emotional and bonding areas of the brain, which is why they tend to be primary caretakers for children and the elderly, and why they often excel at collaboration. Based on these differences, female brains tend to have five special strengths: empathy, intuition, collaboration, self-control and a little worry. But these strengths also can have dark sides.
- Empathy can morph into an overwhelming sense that the world is riding on your shoulders and that you have to take care of everyone else before you take care of yourself.
- Intuition can make you feel anxious as you “know” something’s wrong...before you check it out. Sometimes your brain lies to you and you can be worrying about something that just isn’t true.
- Being too collaborative can slow you down.
- Self-control can turn into trying to control those around you.
Knowing all this, here are 5 ways to unleash the power of the female brain: 1. Always balance empathy with self-care. Women are doing more today than ever before and the constant stress is stealing their health and making them sick. Women make appointments for everyone else, but not themselves. Take the time you need to get healthy. The supplements l-theanine, relora, magnesium and Holy Basil can help lower stress. 2. Intuition is an important skill that keeps us alive and gives women an important edge. If you tap into it, you can get to solutions faster. But it’s always important to check out your feelings with facts. For example, you might walk by a coworker who doesn’t look up and think she’s mad at you. But, in fact, she might’ve just had a fight with her husband. You don’t know. Once you have a thought, check it out. I often tell my wife and daughters, “Please don’t read my mind. I have enough trouble reading it myself.” 3. Boost collaboration by working to include others. A recent article in the Harvard Business Review was titled: “What Makes a Business Team Smarter?” The answer was “MORE WOMEN.” Men tend to be competitive, while women are more collaborative and focused on group cohesion. This is why women often make great bosses – they have gifts of empathy, collaboration, intuition and also tend to make fewer risky decisions when stressed. But be careful with too much collaboration. Setting appropriate boundaries and learning to say no is critical to effective leadership and your health. 4. Self-control is so important to keeping you healthy. You can boost your self-control by making sure your blood sugar is stable. So you have to eat to stay in control of yourself. When blood sugar levels go low, blood flow to the brain goes low and you make more bad decisions. Also, get at least 7 hours of sleep at night or your self-control disappears. I especially like magnesium, GABA and melatonin to help sleep. 5. Balance worry with wellness. Some anxiety is good if it keeps you on track, but too much is painful. To get your anxiety under control, look for natural ways to support healthy serotonin levels: Exercise can do it, as can certain supplements, like 5HTP, B6 and saffron.
- And the worry that is so useful in small doses can stress you to the point where it hurts your brain and won’t allow you to rest.
Approach Judge
Do you have a goal with the men in your groups? I try to help them change their beliefs.
Now Palin is using an example-Except the example is actually Travis' childhood.
State objects
This is Travis and his dad. Notice the spiderman underwear? |
Approach judge
Alice said the Example kid grew up in an abusive house.
How does he deal when he becomes a man? They've learned a lot of negative coping skills. Example kid learns to be fearful. Example kid can be successful in business life, it's the personal stuff that's the problem. The become bigger to become more powerful. Alice is telling a story of some kids that came into the shelter. They all had PTSD.
Most bullies come from violent families. Alice said in her experience, everybody she has dealed with came from violent families. The worst kinds of violence tend to be commited by people that have grown up in the worst type of violent homes.
Radom violence |
(My heart is just not into this today. Maybe I'm bored or burned out on this trial. They better show some more porn soon!)
Mid afternoon
Defense asks for an approach right away.
Alice is back on the stand. Palin is still up for the defense.
Court official talks to the judge. Then the judge talks to an officer
First, this court lady talks to the judge |
Then the officer |
Recess for 10 minutes
That poor family |
They lost their brother, now they get to be a part of the 3-ring circus Jodi is making of their brother's death. |
Judge comes back, then asks the attorneys to approach
Palin wants to know about victims' testifing at trial-state objects
At least this trial gives Jodi's family something to do during the day! |
Alice says most women don't make police reports. Some women change their minds about filing charges. Many women recant when they go to court. Alice is explaining about the court rules in CA and the fines they pay. AND how that is why they recant sometimes. 80% of the time they recant. Adult females are often times blamed.
The men are interviewed when they come to Alice's group. Alice just said if their are two stories involved-the truth is in the middle. Most of the women are very protective of the men they are with. Alice does not see DV couples together. Alice said it's a conflict to counsel them together. It could be a dangerous situation, also.
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Jodi sure does look like an abused woman Yeah, right! Who believes that? |
Alice is bringing up violence and trauma. Talks about how it can effect children. Women usually tell Alice the mind abuse is worse for them than the physical. (I guess she is saying being scarastic can be abusive too. IDK. This is boring.)
(Twitter: Jurors looking around, hands on faces, looking bored. No jury questions yet. I think it's time to talk about #JodiArias)
Alice..You need to spice things up a bit....OKAY? |
State ask for an approach
Alice says she has no way of knowing if all children that grow up in an abusive home....(cliffhanger)
State Objection
Court has matter in the morning
10:45 tomorrow for the jury
Jury finished for the day
Court finished-Judge wants to see attorneys in the hallway.
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